The Elephant's Trunk nebula is a dark and dense globule of interstellar gas and dust in the star cluster IC 1396 – an ionised gas region located in the constellation Cepheus about 2,400 light years away from Earth.
Right ascension: 21h 34m 38s | Declination: +57° 26' 325" | Distance: 2,400 Light Years
Field of view: 38.1 x 28.5 arcmin
Camera: Atik 314L+
Telescope: GSO 200 8” F/4 Newtonian Astrograph
Guiding: Telescope Service OAG with Starlight Xpress Lodestar guider
Filters: Baader Ha (7nm), OIII (8.5nm), SII (8nm)
Exposures: Ha 30 x 6 min; OIII 21x 6 min; SII 10 x 6min
Total exposure: 6 hours
Image composition: Colour Mapped Narrowband Ha:SII:Ha:OIII
Scale: 1.64 arcsec/pixel
Image acquired: July & August 2010 from Bristol (UK)
Image capture with MaxIm DL, FocusMax; Image processed with MaxIm DL, Photoshop CS4